
Here’s the object access and object modification APIs described.


At first we need to know how to obtain an object or set of object within a platform and understand how they are held underline in storage.

Object access protocol: DocumentProtocol

export interface DocumentProtocol {
  find<T extends Doc> (_class: Ref<Class<T>>, query: DocumentQuery<T>, options?: FindOptions<T>): Promise<T[]>
  findOne<T extends Doc> (_class: Ref<Class<T>>, query: DocumentQuery<T>): Promise<T | undefined>
  loadDomain (domain: string): Promise<Doc[]>
  • find - perform a search for Documents inside storage and retrieve them at once.
  • findOne - same, but find just one document.
  • loadDomain - load a full set of docoments inside specific comain. Domain could be configured based on plugins.

Query examples

Look for a class definition.

const cs = await getCoreService()
const value: Class<Doc> = cs.find(CORE_CLASS_CLASS, {_id:'class:core.Class'}) // -> Will return instance of Class.

Look for a task definition:

const cs = await getCoreService()
cs.find(taskIds.class.Task, { name: { $regex: 't.*t' as StringProperty } })

Look for embedded document by pattern:

interface VersionInfo {
	version: string
  releaseDate: Date
  description: string
// Mixin 
interface VersionedTask extends Task {
  version: VersionInfo
const cs = await getCoreService()
cs.find(task.mixin.VersionedTask, { version: { version: "1.0.0" } })

Object modification protocol: OperationProtocol

export interface OperationProtocol {
	create<T extends Doc> (_class: Ref<Class<T>>, values: Partial<Doc>): Promise<T>
  update<T extends Doc> (doc: T, value: Partial<Omit<T, keyof Doc>>): Promise<T>
  updateWith<T extends Doc> (doc: T, builder: (s: TxBuilder<T>) => TxOperation | TxOperation[]): Promise<T>
  remove<T extends Doc> (doc: T): Promise<T>
  • create - Perform creation of new document. Object ID will be automatically generated and assigned to object.
  • update - Perform update of document properties.
  • updateWith - Perform update of document/embedded document properties using a builder pattern. It is possible to do a set, pull, push for different field values. push and pull are applicable only for array attributes. TxBuilder -> a query builder mechanism, it allow to select array, instance fields, arrays and perform a construction of modification path.
  • remove - Perform remove of object.

Modification examples

Examples will work with Space document type.

export interface Space extends Doc {
  name: string // a space name
  description: string // a space optional description.

  application: Ref<Application> // An application space is belong to.
  applicationSettings?: Emb // Some custom application settings.

  spaceKey: string // A space shortId prefix.

  users: SpaceUser[] // A list of included user accounts, not all may be active.
  isPublic: boolean // If specified, a users are interpreted as include list.
  archived: boolean // If specified, channel is marked as archived, only owner could archive space
service: CoreService
s:Space // Some selected space

Modify values of space object:

service.updateWith(s, (b) =>
  b.set({ description:"Some docs", isPublic: true }))

Push a new user into users array

service.updateWith(s, (b) =>
      userId: cs.getUserId(),
      owner: false

Remove a user from users array:

service.updateWith(s, (b) =>
  b.users.match({ userId: cs.getUserId() }).pull())